Architecture Info


JAPAN                  Nara-                         Adoption of Chinese style government and culture A.D.710-794

                                                               Center of Buddhist culture in Japan

                              Heian-                       Of the period when Japan became socially isolated from China
                 Rise of indigenous Feudalism that dominate Chinese organizational methods

                              Momoyama               Rise of Castle building

CHINA                   Taoist                        Philosophy of creative principal that gives order to the universe

                                                                Balance between man based and nature based

                               Qin                            Dynastic reign giving power to a central government 221-206 B.C

                                                                Great Wall of China        

INDIA                    Gupta-                        Dynasty of the Mauryn Empire of Northern India from A.D. 320-540.

                                                                Court was the center of Classical Indian art and architecture.

                                                                Earliest substantial architectural remains of the region

                                Pallava-                   First Hindu State beginning A.D. 350. 

                                                                Expansion of the influence of Indian Culture

                                Dravidian-                Beginning of Pallavian style named after southern Indian Language

ISLAMIC                  Moorish-                  Islamic architecture of North Africa

                                                                Mosques and elaborate fortresses and palaces

                                Mudejar-                  Spanish architecture from the 13-16th centuries

                                                                Culture composed of 50% Christians working in Muslim tradition

                                                                Romanesque/Gothic tradition

                                                                Mudejar Muslims allowed to remain in Spain after Christian re-conquest

Mozarabic             Spanish Architecture of the 9th-15th centuries made by Christians under Islamic influence

                              Horseshoe arch

Seljuk                    Turkish architecture of Islamic dynasties that ruled from the 11th-13th centuries

                              Influence of Persian culture

Ottoman                Turkish architecture of Byzantine influence made under Islam from the 14th century on

Mogul                    Indo-Islamic Palaces and Mosques   1526-1857


                                North America  Pueblo culture of the Anisazi parent group

                                                                Region of the Southwest United States and North Mexico

                                                                Rough patterned masonry often covered with adobe

                                                                Kiva structure of circular form with cribbed roof

Meso-America  Central Mexico and Yucatan Peninsula stretching to Honduras and Nicaragua

Mayan                      Plaza complexes with pyramid structures

                                Corbel vaulted spaces, ball courts, sculptural facades, and Roof Combs

                                Literary culture of the elite class reflected in architecture

Classic Era              Mayan Architecture beginning A.D. 100 and peaking A.D. 900

Post Classic            Architecture after 900

                                Zapotec                     Eclectic style of Oaxaca and Southern Mexico

                                                                  Olmec and Tehotihuacan influence

                                Mixtec                        Conquest of Oaxaca region around A.D. 800

                                                                  Use of columns and fret work motifs

                                Toltec                        Architecture of Central Mexico from 900 on

                                                                  Foundation of Aztec style

                                                                  Feathered serpent and warrior motifs

Aztec                       Architecture associated with culture around the area of Lake Texcoco rising to power around 1450

                                                                  Region of present day Mexico City

                                                                  Twin Pyramid complex destroyed by the Spanish


                                Tiahuanaco              Pre-Incan architecture from 300 B.C -900 A.D. in Peru and Bolivia

                                                                Monolithic stone carving

                                Chimu                     Culture of Northern coast of Peru with a well developed urban culture

                                                                A.D 1000-1470 dominated by Incan culture later in history

                                Inca                         Quechuan people who migrated into the Cuzco area of Peru in 11 A.D

                                                                Ruled until Spanish Conquest